Hey everyone!
The Daily Attendance Rewards have just been updated, allowing you to contiue to receive them for this month. That is great news!
Posted Automagically by the Prontera Tourism Office.
Hey everyone!
The Daily Attendance Rewards have just been updated, allowing you to contiue to receive them for this month. That is great news!
Posted Automagically by the Prontera Tourism Office.
Hey everyone!
The Daily Attendance Rewards have just been updated, allowing you to contiue to receive them for this month. That is great news!
Posted Automagically by the Prontera Tourism Office.
With the launch coming ever-closer (but still no concrete date) we have created a Pre-Registration event to reward players for registering their account early.
There are different milestones now displayed on the homepage for everyone to see, and the more accounts that are registered, the more rewards you guys get!
We are currently sat on the 200 Accounts milstone which rewards all accounts with 2,000z and 1 Bubble Gum.. which is not much, so get your friends involved, tell your guildies and rave about it via RMS.
Hint: Higher numbers will unlock Field Manuals, Blessing Scrolls, Gift Boxes and more!
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